Friday, January 16, 2015

Weekly Blog Response 1-15-15

         One of the readings that stood out to me this week was the poetry sonnets. The author that I enjoyed was Ted Berrigan. There was one specific poem that I liked after we discussed it more in class. The poem with the roman numerals XV was very creative and different. The way that he structured the lines in the poem made you really have to think about it. After you decode and figure out how the poem is supposed to be read, it almost seems like he was just talking about the day he had nothing to complex.
         Ted Berrigan had one other poem that I found enjoyable to read. His sonnet with the roman numerals LIII was funny. After just a few lines you could tell he was talking about sex. One of the lines that caught my eye was the last one, "Fucking is so lovely   Who can say no to it later"? He also talks about teen pregnancy which has always been an issue in society.
             We also got to read poems by the author Bhana Kapil Rider. The poem that I read was called 'Tell Me What You Know About Dismemberment'. The first line makes you think about something horrific. "When it rains, the grass is filled with blood". He uses a lot of imagery in his writing which made me think about it as I read. The rain could signify something that happened in his life during the rain that was horrific. There could be many reasons why there is blood on the grass.
           So far this class seems like it will be enjoyable. The readings are intriguing and some have opened my mind to different things. I look forward to this semester and learning new and different ways to write creatively.

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